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"Touch your perfect body with your mind" - deepening course in BBAT

søn. 01. juni



We are so happy to invite you to a deepening course with the Swiss BBAT teacher Beat Streuli this summer. He has choosen the title "Touch your perfect body with your mind" for the BBAT practice and theory about perception and the connection to our feelings.

"Touch your perfect body with your mind" - deepening course in BBAT
"Touch your perfect body with your mind" - deepening course in BBAT

Tid og sted

01. juni 2025, 18:00 – 04. juni 2025, 14:00

Svarstad, Østsideveien 545, 3275 Svarstad, Norge

Om arrangementet

Presentation of Beat Streuli, BBAT teacher

Beat Streuli is a physiotherapist with qualifications in body psychotherapy and osteopathy as well as a certified adult educator from Winterthur, Switzerland. He first came into contact with Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) in 2000. In 2003, together with Inger Wulf, he founded the Institute for Basic Body Awareness Therapy Switzerland [http://(](, which offers courses in Switzerland and Austria.

In addition to his practice, Beat is involved in teaching and further training in BBAT, psychosomatics and body psychotherapy.

In spring 2024, Beat fulfilled another of his heart's desires and completed certification in canine osteopathy and can now offer treatments not only to people but also to our four-legged friends.

He writes this about the course:

"BBAT practice combined with theories about body perception and how it connects to our feelings.

The in-depth workshop offer you the opportunity to engage intensively with your own experience, the exercises, the theories and the pedagogical aspects. The focus is on your personal process and forms the basis for your therapeutic competence in BBAT.

The course is aimed at BBAT teachers, BBAT therapists and BBAT trainees."

The course will be held in English.

To register: do it here on this page or send a mail to

Number of participants: 16

Register before: February 1st (we fill the course as the registrations reach us, so the course might be full before the deadline)

Price: NOK 5500

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