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Klinisk kompetanse i BK

NIBK tilbyr etterutdanning som gir klinisk kompetanse i Basal Kroppskjennskap. Etterutdanningen består av fire ukeskurs, BK 1-4, samt et undersøkelsesseminar i BARS-MQE (Body Awareness Rating Scale – Movement Quality and Experience) og et prosjektseminar på 20 timer.


Kursene bygger på hverandre, og gir samlet full klinisk kompetanse i BK. Det første kurset, BK1,  er åpent for nye såvel som erfarne BK-terapeuter, og brukes av mange som en oppfriskning eller som påfyll til egen utvikling. Les mer under "om etterutdanningen"

A precondition for learning and for strengthening the sensimotor interplay, is to practice and develop ones mental awareness. The BBAT pedagogy is structured to promote the person's sensitivity to experiences from the moving body, thus increasing the ability to identify movement aspects that might promote health. 


Basic daily-life movement coordinations are practiced in BBAT; lying, sitting, standing, walking and relating. A structured massage is included in the treatment, as well as the use of voice. The person is guided to explore the contact to the ground, to the center of the body, to the breathing and to the use of energy. 

Central for the treatment process is to allow the person to discover unhealthy habits and to try out more functional movements. The main strategy for therapy is to stimulate postural reflexes, a dynamic balance, free breathing, and unified co-ordination and interplay within the whole moving person. 


An important part of the therapy is to reflect on the immediate movement experiences.  Together with the therapist, the person reflects on bodily and mental reactions and their relationship to daily-life settings. The aim of the clinical talk is to help the person finding meaning and coherence, understanding more about herself and developing stronger self-efficacy in daily life. 

In collaboration with the physiotherapist, the person shares the responsibility for improvement by becoming involved and practicing at home from the start. The self-training consists of practicing selected movements regularly and to integrate movement experiences into daily functioning. The person is encouraged to take notes in a log-book in order to strengthen the learning process.  

Upcoming Events

  • Basal Kroppskjennskap 1 (BK1)
    Basal Kroppskjennskap 1 (BK1)
    Sun, 18 May
    18 May 2025, 18:00 – 23 May 2025, 12:30
    Svarstad, Østsideveien 545, 3275 Svarstad, Norge
    Vi ønsker velkommen til nytt BK1 i mai. Kurset er grunnleggende og vil være nyttig for de aller fleste fysioterapeuter, uansett retning.
  • "Touch your perfect body with your mind" - deepening course in BBAT
    "Touch your perfect body with your mind" - deepening course in BBAT
    Sun, 01 Jun
    01 Jun 2025, 18:00 – 04 Jun 2025, 14:00
    Svarstad, Østsideveien 545, 3275 Svarstad, Norge
    We are so happy to invite you to a deepening course with the Swiss BBAT teacher Beat Streuli this summer. He has choosen the title "Touch your perfect body with your mind" for the BBAT practice and theory about perception and the connection to our feelings.
  • Etterutdanning BK4
    Etterutdanning BK4
    Sun, 30 Nov
    30 Nov 2025, 18:00 – 04 Dec 2025, 14:00
    Svarstad, Østsideveien 545, 3275 Svarstad, Norge
    Vi ønsker velkommen til BK4, det siste kurset i kursrekken som gir klinisk kompetanse i Basal Kroppskjennskap. For å delta på BK4 må du ha levert og bestått alle tidligere rapporter.
  • Etterutdanning BK1
    Etterutdanning BK1
    7. - 9. november og 16. - 18. januar.
    Haukeland universitetssjukehus
    7. - 9. november og 16. - 18. januar.
    Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Jonas Lies vei 59, 5021 Bergen, Norge
    Klinisk kurs med fokus på egenerfaring i Basal Kroppskjennskap. På kurset blir du kjent med grunnleggende terapeutiske bevegelser, samt den teoretiske bakgrunnen for Basal Kroppskjennskap. Du vil få erfaringer med bevegelse som du kan ha nytte av faglig og personlig.
  • Master of Physiotherapy in Basic Body Awareness Methodology
    Master of Physiotherapy in Basic Body Awareness Methodology
    January - december 2024
    La Cañada
    January - december 2024
    La Cañada, Carr. Sacramento, s/n, 04120 La Cañada, Almería, Spania
    An International clinical post-graduate study program of Physiotherapy in Mental Health. 60 ECTS, University of Almeria (UAL), Spain
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