Scientific publications
Ever since Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) was brought into physiotherapy in the 1980ies, scientific methods have been applied in order to study, describe and develope its clinical use in various patient groups. The research encompasses patents' and therapists' experiences as well as the treatment outcome. Methodological studies have been conducted with the purpose to further explore healthpromoting aspects in the movement practice, including the pedagogics used and the therapeutic preconditions. On this page, you will find an alphabetic overview of scientific publications conserning BBAT. To help you navigating through the list, the green buttons organize the literatur into themes.
One-year follow-up of basic body awareness therapy in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. A small intervention study of effects on movement quality, PTSD symptoms, and movement experiences.
Blaauwendraat, C. P. M., Levy Berg, A. P. P., & Gyllensten, A. L. P. P.
Physiother Theory Pract, 33(7), 515-526.
Clinical reasoning and clinical use of basic body awareness therapy in physiotherapy – a qualitative study
Gard G, Nyboe L, Gyllensten AL.
European Journal of Physiotherapy, 22:1, 29-35
Våga välja vad jag vill–Basal Kroppskännedom och samtal i grupp–ett samarbetsprojekt mellan sjukgymnast och psykolog för patienter med smärt-och spänningssyndrom [Dare to choose what I want: Body Awareness Therapy and group counseling–a collaboration between physiotherapist and psychologist for patients with pain and stress syndromes].
Klingberg-Olsson, K., Lundgren, M., & Lindström, I.
Nordisk Fysioterapi, 4(3), 133-142.
A comparative outcome study of body awareness therapy, feldenkrais, and conventional physiotherapy for patients with nonspecific musculoskeletal disorders: changes in psychological symptoms, pain, and self-image.
Malmgren-Olsson, E. B., Armelius, B. A., & Armelius, K.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 17(2), 77-95
“After all the traumas my body has been through, I feel good that it is still working.”–Basic Body Awareness Therapy for traumatised refugees.
Stade, K., Skammeritz, S., Hjortkjær, C., & Carlsson, J.
Torture, 25(1), 33-50.